Hi Mark,
Yes, I did ! I did read all the book rather thoroughly, except chapters 22 and 23, which are not of primary importance for what I do with LC. Oh, well, I did read them, but without digging seriously in the scripts.
Many thanks and congratulations for this book. I do not think however it is so easy for a "real beginner". Some concepts come out from the sky without even a commentary sentence. One example is the target, which appears first in a script p. 103. In such cases, if you don't want to modify the text, a graphic suggestion to look at the dictionary (e.g. a little book icon in the margin or a special lettering) could ease the way for the beginner. LC is a really bushy jungle, you know.
But for people like me, who are neither beginners (I'm programming since the sixties, I heavily used Hypercard for my teaching and started with Revolution at version 1) nor professional programmers (I'm a retired biologist), your book is an excellent refreshing course, and I really enjoyed it, discovering here and there some subtelties of whose I was not aware.
As the book is already almost out of print, I hope you'll continue with a second edition. Still bravo for the work.